Running the race – part 5

1 Corinthians 9:26 “Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.”

Paul himself is our great example of earnestness. He wrote, “Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. (v. 26).

Imagine a row of runners in position for a race. Imagine the firing gun going off, and picture them running with all their might—but in all different directions!

Imagine some running to the left, others to the right, and some in a circle. They were all “running”; but they were uncertain of their direction. None of them would win the prize—except perhaps that one runner that might have crossed the finish line accidentally! That’s no way to run in a race! And it’s no way to live for Jesus either. Paul, by contrast, lived the Christian life carefully and intentionally. He knew where he was going, and what it took to get there, and what would happen at the end. He did not run “with uncertainty”.

There is also the reference to fighting with the fist. There is no shadow boxing before the fight has started, striking the air. Paul did not fight with his own shadow, or an imaginary opposition. He did not beat the empty air; but gave huge blows to real opponents. He hit Satan, the world, and his flesh to obtain something better. He knew his opponents, he understood his own character, and he was willing to hit hard at every turn to be able to defeat it all for the sake of Christ Jesus. His mind was made up. Maybe we can say that his mind was renewed and that made the difference!

Application: The Apostle Paul says he makes his body his slave in other words he lets his mind overrule any natural inclination to being aimlessness, unfocused or uncommitted. His was determined to make the most of his life. What are the areas in our lives that are unfocused, uncommitted or where we let circumstances lead us?


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